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5 Thai Dipping Sauces
You will need: chopping board & knife; blender; ceramic/glass containers or jars w/ lid for storing. NOTE: Recipe time is if you are only making one sauce. Please allow 5 - 10 minutes to make each sauce.
Prep Time 5 - 10 minutes
Cook Time 0
Passive Time 0
Thai Dipping Sauce
Peanut Dipping Sauce
Ginger & Coriander Sauce
Thai Crystal / Nahm Jeem Gratiem Sauce
Sweet Chilli Sauce
Prep Time 5 - 10 minutes
Cook Time 0
Passive Time 0
Thai Dipping Sauce
Peanut Dipping Sauce
Ginger & Coriander Sauce
Thai Crystal / Nahm Jeem Gratiem Sauce
Sweet Chilli Sauce
  1. Thai Dipping Sauce: Blend everything together except chopped Spring Onion / Scallion - add them last. Set aside.
  2. Peanut Dipping Sauce: Blend everything together. Set aside.
  3. Ginger & Coriander Sauce: Blend everything together. Set aside.
  4. Thai Crystal Sauce: Blend everything together except the Chilli Flakes - add them last. Set aside.
  5. Sweet Chilli Sauce: Blend everything together except the Chilli Flakes - add them last. Set aside.
Recipe Notes

* I make big batches of the sauces. They keep well for weeks in a sealed jar in the fridge. Basically you can use any veggies, and easily and quickly whip up rice paper rolls and serve with either or  both of the dipping sauces.

*Soy Sauce alternatives - soy is best avoided for many reasons. Most soy is GMO. Even organic soy can cause issues. Also, many soy products have wheat/gluten which adds to the list of reasons to avoid it if you can. 1st best choice is Coconut Aminos if you can get it. 2nd best choice would be Liquid Aminos or Tamari which are wheat-free/gluten-free soy sauces.

*Sesame Seed Oil - buy good quality oil and store in the fridge. It is a fragile oil and can rancid quite quickly. For this reason it is best never to cook with fragile oils like Sesame Seed Oil as the heat quickly produces free-radicals and reduces the benefits of the oil. Use it as a topping just before serving to give a lovely subtle Sesame flavour to your stir-fry.