This bread is amazing. I actually prefer it to any of the gluten-free breads I have bought and tried over the years. Probably a year’s worth of recipe developing to get this gem just right, and I couldn’t be happier with the result. It’s delicious straight out of the oven, and even better sliced and toasted before adding toppings. We eat this for breakfast, lunches and sometimes dinners. I travel with my food-grade, non-toxic silicon bread pan so I can make this bread for us no matter where we are in the world!

This recipe is: Gluten-free (GF), Wheat-free (WF), Dairy-free (DF), refined Sugar-free (SF), Plant-based/Vegan (PB), Vegetarian (V)


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'Clean' Multiseed Bread (Gluten-free/Wheat-free)
You will need: blender with grinder blades (at least 2 blades lie flat), or use a coffee grinder - to grind nuts & seeds; 2 mixing bowls (1 large); whisk; wooden spoon/silicon spatula; measuring cups & spoons; food-grade silicon bread pan or non-toxic parchment/ baking paper lined bread tin (please avoid bread coming into contact with toxic non-stick coatings); drying/wire rack for baked bread to cool off on before cutting; bleach-free paper towel and air-tight container or large ziplock bag to store in fridge/freezer.
Prep Time 10-15 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour
Passive Time 1 hour (baking)
Dry Ingredients
Dry Ingredients - Seed Mix
Wet Ingredients - 'Egg replacer'
Wet Ingredients
  • ¾ cup Cashew Nut Milk (or any preferred milk alternative) [To make your own: grind 1 small handful (¼ cup) nuts and then blend with 1 cup water]
  • cup Macadamia Oil (or Almond Oil or warmed/melted Coconut Oil)
  • 1 tbsp Rice Malt Syrup (or Raw Honey, Coconut Blossom Sugar/Syrup)
  • 1 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar (unpasteurised/raw vinegar)
Bread Topping
Prep Time 10-15 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour
Passive Time 1 hour (baking)
Dry Ingredients
Dry Ingredients - Seed Mix
Wet Ingredients - 'Egg replacer'
Wet Ingredients
  • ¾ cup Cashew Nut Milk (or any preferred milk alternative) [To make your own: grind 1 small handful (¼ cup) nuts and then blend with 1 cup water]
  • cup Macadamia Oil (or Almond Oil or warmed/melted Coconut Oil)
  • 1 tbsp Rice Malt Syrup (or Raw Honey, Coconut Blossom Sugar/Syrup)
  • 1 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar (unpasteurised/raw vinegar)
Bread Topping
  1. Preheat oven to 350°F / 180°C
  2. Dry Ingredients: Grind Almonds & Flaxseeds down to a flour-like consistency, using a blender (with grinder attachment - see description above).
  3. Dry Ingredients: Combine all dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl and set aside.
  4. Dry Ingredients - Seed Mix: Combine all Seed Mix ingredients together. Pulse into a course consistency and add to the rest of the dry ingredients.
  5. 'Egg replacer': Separately, combine Spring Water and ground Chia Seeds well using a fork and allow to stand for a few minutes before using.
  6. Wet Ingredients: Add the rest of the wet ingredients to the ‘Egg replacer’, and mix well using a fork.
  7. Add the wet ingredients mixture to the dry ingredients and mix well using a spatula or wooden spoon - I prefer a silicon spatula.
  8. Line an 8” x 4” bread pan with non-toxic parchment/ baking paper or use a food-grade, silicon bread pan instead - best to avoid bread pans with toxic non-stick coatings.
  9. Spread the mixture into the bread pan. Add the bread topping and spread and press the seeds into the surface of the bread.
  10. Bake for 60 min or until golden - use a knife to check middle of bread, if comes out clean/dry, bread is done.
  11. Remove and let sit for 2 minutes in the bread pan before removing. Then remove and let cool on a drying/wire rack - this will allow the base of the bread to breathe/stay dry, and not ‘sweat’.
Recipe Notes
  • Be sure to let your bread cool down completely, then cut into thin slices. Admittedly, this bread's crust can be a little crunchy so it might take a little effort to cut the whole thing into slices. Slicing the whole bread and storing this way makes it easier to use/consume.
  • Wait until cool, and then wrap in bleach-free/non-toxic paper towel in an airtight container or large ziplock bag.
  • It is best to store your bread in the fridge or freezer - it will also last longer.