Week 6: Keep going, Beautiful! It’s Clean Eating Implementation Week

Keep Adding Tasty Motivation with the right choices… Clean Eating and Clean Living choices…

Module Description:

Our Fresh Life Motto:
Eat Clean. Change your Life. Heal the World.

By choosing to buy real – food, from local, organic, chemical-free, small business
sources, we are effectively saying NO to the current food system.

We vote for what we want with every $Dollar, Rand, £Pound, €uro we choose to spend.

We share the wealth, and support our local farmers, and our local communities when we make choices that are better for our and our families’ health and wellbeing.

These choices help us take our power and our health back.

To regain our connection with the Natural world.

To reconnect with what is truly important. What nourishes us. And sustains us.

These choices helps to protect the world’s biodiversity, while helping improve the quality and integrity of our soil, seeds and food sovereignty, all while reducing the chemical burden in our land, air, water, oceans and our own bodies.


This week is about remembering to keep adding Clean Eating and Fresh Life Habits to your daily life.

This week is about continuing to take action, and be supported along the way.

This week you also have the opportunity to submit your family’s favourite recipes and we’ll ‘turn them clean’ – so you and your loved ones can continue to enjoy the foods you love.

You can send them to me at sam@freshlifejourneys.com, or you can add them in our Fresh Life Community Facebook Group, and we’ll discuss and modify them there.

This is about showing you how to practically apply everything you have been learning through this Program, and make those Clean Eating changes, easy, delicious, and fun!

Your Fresh Life Internal Makeover Journey is a life-long one, and you have myself and a whole bunch of amazing fellow Superwomen behind you to support you as you go.

Try new recipes and keep adding more of the good, clean, health-giving foods to your family’s days and reduce the consumption of the bad stuff.

Learning Objectives:

You’ll see, real-time, exactly how I turn all my recipes, clean. Each recipe that is shared in our Fresh Life Community Group, I will help show you how you and your loved ones can still enjoy those family favourites.


  • Submitted ‘Family Favourite’ recipes will be shared in our Group, and ‘turned Clean’ – we’ll work together to put all the amazing Clean Eating knowledge you have learnt, to use – we’ll look at ingredients and how those recipes are prepared, and discuss the best quality, cleanest ingredients, or if there are healthier replacements/alternatives, and what are the best ways to cook (and other pitfalls unbeknownst to us!).
  • Questions answered in our Private Facebook Group.
  • I invite you to give your download your FLIMJ Feedback Survey – I am always working on improving The FLIMJourney Program and would love to hear your feedback and requests/suggestions.
Remember to Take Action!

I look forward to our Q&A Sessions together!

And keep taking action, keep making recipes, and let our loving and supportive Community help keep you accountable by sharing what you made - post a photo, share any thoughts, experiences and insights you have, or just have a chat with your fellow Fresh Life Superwomen.

Share what’s working for you, or any other tips you find are helping you and your family on this Journey.


The horizon leans forward, offering you space to place new steps of change.


Your Path to Feeling Empowered!

Work towards making this Fresh Life Baby Step into a Fresh Life Habit by doing your homework, fill out your worksheets, participate in our live challenges, and engage with other Ah-mazing Women just like you, in our loving and supportive Community, so that you can keep gently moving towards your healthiest you… and keep loving yourself, on this, ‘Your journey to heal-Thy Self’!